African Slavery; The Black Venus Story

the black venus

 African slavery the black venus is a story that was dated back to 1500 and 1700. even before Africa was discovered, we shall be focusing on a South African Woman popularly known as the black venus. her crime was that she was beautiful and blessed with pretty shapes. In Paris, She was raped, Exposed naked, … Read more

Efunsetan The Strong Woman In Ancient Yoruba Kingdom

a strong woman image

Efunsetan Aniwura’s narrative is undoubtedly one of the most enthralling in Yoruba political history. It captures the role of women in Yoruba political history in a breathtaking way. But Efunsetan the strong woman narrative has been scripted and foreseen by her all along. Efunsetan The Strong Woman. The story of Efunsetan the strong woman is … Read more

Garlic spiritual and natural cleansing

garlic spiritual and natural cleansing

There are so many benefits of garlic’s spiritual and natural cleansing of the human body, I will be highlighting some key benefits of garlic and its usefulness mainly when mixed with other items to produce an effective result. also, the spiritual aspect of garlic will be explained. Garlic Effectiveness and Natural Body Cleanser. Garlic is … Read more

The Place Called Heaven

the place called heaven

How well do you know about the place called heaven, apart from being a place where God lives and other stories you hear about. what else do you know about heaven? will you be amazed to find out that God doesn’t stay in Heaven and Heaven doesn’t exist? let me take you on a journey … Read more

What Do You Know About Exorcism/is Exorcism real

what do you know about Exorcism

What do you know about Exorcism, it can be regarded as the act of casting out demons, Exorcism must be carried out by a professional, don’t try doing it yourself. You stand the chance of being killed or possessed by the very demon you are casting, It is very dangerous and harmful to perform Exorcism yourself. … Read more

Money Ritual Without BloodShed

money ritual without bloodshed

In today’s topic, I will be sharing three methods on how you can apply the money ritual without bloodshed.  Stick around, and read to the end so you can learn from the spiritual master.  You might be doubting if this truly works, well, all I have to say is for you to have faith, but … Read more

The Power of Raw Egg

the power of raw egg for spiritual cleansing

Today I will be sharing a powerful spiritual message titled The Power of Raw Egg for Spiritual Cleansing. The egg is very common, we see and use it in our day to day activities little do you know that the egg can cleanse you from the spiritual bondage of hardship and bad luck, Egg is … Read more

Spiritual Realm/the murder of Christain Kazadi

the murder of christain kazadi and the spiritual realm

Spiritual realm/the murder of Christain Kazadi, he was born on June 13th, 1993 to the Kazadi family that hails from Congo Brazzaville, the family was based in South Africa. he is the second in four of his brothers, He was nominated for Forbes under 30 achievement awards due to his achievement in no little time. … Read more

Difference Between Mental Health and Spiritual

painted face that look like mental health issues

we shall be highlighting the difference between mental health and spiritual. all thou it sounds different but is the same for some classes of people. before we proceed I will be giving you the definitions of both mental health and spiritual. for clarity and a better understanding of the topic difference between mental health and … Read more

Distinguished Bishop-Rev fr John Oke Afareha

Rev Fr John Oke Afareha

 Distinguished Bishop Rev Fr  John Okeoghene Afareha was born in 1947 to late Mr Edward Afareha and late Mrs Rebecca Afareha of Oleh in Delta State’s Isoko South local government area, Nigeria. He was raised by his stepmother, Mrs Angelina Afareha when his mother died he was young. The family is blessed, with Rev. Sister … Read more