What are The Implications of Hallucinating

The Implication of Hallucinating

What are The Implication of Hallucinating, Hallucinating is a phenomenon that has been around for centuries and has been associated with spiritual and religious practices. It can be experienced differently, from dreaming to hearing voices or visions. What are The Implications of Hallucinating What are The Implication of Hallucinating, The implications of hallucinating are vast, … Read more

Breast Cancer Survivals

Breast Cancer Survivals

Breast Cancer Survivals, The International Day against Breast Cancer is observed on October 19 by the World Health Organization with the goal of increasing awareness and boosting women’s access to prompt and efficient screenings, diagnoses, and treatments. We shall be focusing on people diagnosed with breast cancer and how they overcome it by staying alive. … Read more

Why Was The Devil Called Lucifer

Imanginary picture of Lucifer Burning in hell

Why was the devil called Lucifer, God created Lucifer, who was originally known as Morningstar. The name Lucifer is derived from the Latin word for “morning star” or “light-bringer.” According to the Bible, Lucifer grew arrogant and started to rebel against God. He desired for all the angels to worship him rather than God since … Read more

Before Hitler’s Regime: Depression In Germany

depressed man

Four years before Adolf Hitler was appointed the Chancellor of Germany, the country suffers a great depression due to the United States’ withdrawal of loans facility to the country, this action by the U.S led to a massive depression in Germany causing people to commit suicide. Who Are The Germans Germany is a Western European … Read more

DEPRESSION: It Kills Faster Than You Can Imagine

depression art, it kills faster than you can inmagine

Just like the caption Depression, it kills faster than you can imagine if not correctly managed, Some people do not know when they are depressed or what to do if they face depression. A typical yet serious mood illness is depression. It produces severe symptoms that interfere with your ability to function as an average … Read more

Spiritual Music/ Attracting to Spirit

spiritual music attracting to spirit

The word spiritual music attracting to spirit is often described as songs for the dead but it is way too big than that. spiritual music has the power to wake the dead, heal the sick, and also attract demons depending on how you use it. when performing exorcism or any spiritual works spiritual music is … Read more

Get Well Soon Flowers – What to Know About It

beautiful flowers

Get Well Soon Flowers, what do you know about it? these beautiful plants signify love and peace to one another; that is why it is been used on a sickbed, love offerings and burials when someone passes on. Get Well Soon Flowers. Sending get well soon flowers may be the ideal method to offer your … Read more

Difference Between Mental Health and Spiritual

painted face that look like mental health issues

we shall be highlighting the difference between mental health and spiritual. all thou it sounds different but is the same for some classes of people. before we proceed I will be giving you the definitions of both mental health and spiritual. for clarity and a better understanding of the topic difference between mental health and … Read more

Beneficiaries of Mediation

meditating and relaxing

What is the definition of beneficiary meditation? Let’s begin by understanding what meditation is. Meditation is defined as the act of focusing or having a mindset on a specific object or concept through the use of a specific technique. There are far too many beneficiaries of meditation to list here, so we’ll just highlight a … Read more