
The African Woman Who Called Herself God

The African woman who called herself God Vicentia Tadagbe is a prophetess in Benin, a French-speaking West African country. In terms of Perfection, she described herself as perfect. She claims to be God, yet she was just seen roaming amok in the streets of Benin Republic.

The African woman who called herself God Vicentia Tadagbe.

 The woman who called herself God sitting with her partner
The woman who called herself God in Africa sitting with her partner

The African woman who called herself God was famous in the late 2000s for her capacity to do miracles, such as walking the lame, seeing the blind, and hearing the deaf, which drew people from all over the world to her church.

Vicentia had a church called the very holy church of Jesus Christ in Baname, a town notorious for its idol worship. It was claimed that the Baname people worshipped pythons as gods, and Vicentia hoped that by placing her church there, she might free them from their idol worship.

She claimed she wasn’t born like everyone else, that she fell from the sky and landed in farmland, and that the first person she saw was a cattle rearer who eventually took care of her until she recovered. She then met a catholic priest named Mathias Virgan, whom she went to for some sort of exorcism, and she was able to persuade him to join her in establishing a church in Baname.

Vicentia Tadagbe, Mathias Virgan, Started the Church.

In 2009, they both founded the Church of Jesus Christ, and the ministry was thriving as people from all over the world witnessed and received miracles performed by the prophetess. She went on to ordain the priest as a pope because she believes she has the authority to do so; some of her followers believe she is God herself, while others believe she is a messenger from God, due to her ability to perform miracles and heal the sick.


The woman who called herself God was connected to atrocities within the church and the community.

All of the hyping and praises got to her head, and she declared herself God on Earth. She was accused of being responsible for half of the community’s notorious atrocities, such as church members fighting community members with matchets and other dangerous weapons.

In 2017, she told her church members to lock themselves up in a prayer room and close the windows, she instructed them to burn incense, candle, and charcoal while praying for the cries of the community. Unfortunately, they all died in the prayer room due to suffocation.

Church leaders were arrested.

An arrest was made after the incident, some leaders of the church were arrested but the African woman who called herself God, Vicentia, was untouched.

The Church was later expelled by the Christian Association of Benin Republic due to her doctrines not being in line with true Christianity doctrine; the church was labelled occult by the Christian body.

Mathias Virgan was stripped of his priesthood as a punishment for associating with Vicentia, a woman regarded as demonic.

Little was heard about Vicentia and her church until recently in 2021, when she was spotted at the streets of Benin behaving strange, acting like a mad person.

The Woman Who Called Herself God Appeals for Fund to Cater for her Health.

The African woman that called herself God posses as Jesus Christ
The African woman that called herself God posses as Jesus Christ

She was recently sighted behaving erratically in the streets of the Benin Republic, and her followers abandoned her. She issued a challenge to her followers to help her get back on her feet by giving two thousand CFA to her health treatment.

See also  The Place Called Heaven

After an initial request for assistance from her fans was turned down, she became enraged and recorded another voice note, which was widely disseminated on the internet in the Benin Republic, this time lowering the asking fee and issuing a strong warning.

“I requested for good health to the body that houses your god however you all opted to disregard me,” she laments to her followers in one of her widely shared voice notes, you all should count yourself lucky that your god is asking for help from you it is an honour, else I don’t need you.

Due to the frequent rejection of her request, she has reduced the price from two thousand CFA to one thousand two hundred CFA in order to encourage more of her followers to contribute to her health care.

She also added that her followers should also purchase the church scarf that bears her picture and should be worn at all times with prayers and invocations; the scarf is sold for one thousand two hundred CFA.


The Rise and Fall of Vicentia teach us that no matter how far you climb in life, you should never compare yourself to God. If you start hearing voices in your brain, don’t assume it’s the voice of God. instead, seek spiritual counsel.

What are your thoughts on Vicentina being a lunatic all this time and no one noticing? I’d like to hear your thoughts on this article; please leave a remark in the space below, thank you.


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