Jennifer Lopez-Meaningful Impact To The World

Jennifer Lopez smiling to the world

Jennifer Lopez is an American singer, actress and film-maker have touched so many lives through her music and movie role. she was a goddess to so many young girls looking up to her as their role model. Who Is Jennifer Lopez and How Meaningful Did She Impact The World? Jennifer Lopez is an American singer, … Read more


angels looking up to the heavens

Reincarnation exist for you to grow physically and spiritually and it is a popular beliefs that the soul after the death of the body begins a new life afresh with another body depending on the quality of previous life action, some African culture believes that when death occurs the soul of that person lingers around … Read more

What To Know About The ILLUMINATI

The Illuminati signs and logo

What to know about the Illuminati,these are group of intellectual elites trying to simplify the way you see life in general, when I was young I used to think that the Illuminati was some sort of evil cult group, the church of devil, or a group of evil organizations trying to control the world, maybe … Read more

The Life and Times of Itsekiri Kings

King Tsola Emiko

Today, we shall be learning about the life and times of the Itsekiri people, and the kingship. past and present kings with their activities. but firstly, let’s tell you a brief history of the Itsekiri people. Brief History about the Itsekiri people. The life and times of Itsekiri Kings is something every son and daughter … Read more

Where Does the Spirit Go After Death

Where does the spirit go after death,  that’s the myth we are revealing in today’s interesting topic, sit tight as I take you on a journey of eye-opener research made by my humble self. Many religion has come up with their understanding and belief about where the spirit goes after death, I will be letting … Read more

The Story of a Dead Girl: Came Back to Life

dead girl leaving the body

This is the story of a dead girl that came back to life, after two years. Her Name is Winnie Lufunja, 17 years Old Girl Living With Her Parents At Masala Township Ndola, Zambia. Her parents and the villagers doubted her until she reveal who she really was. The story of the dead girl; how … Read more

The African Woman Who Called Herself God

Vicentia Tadagbe preaching to her congretion

The African woman who called herself God Vicentia Tadagbe is a prophetess in Benin, a French-speaking West African country. In terms of Perfection, she described herself as perfect. She claims to be God, yet she was just seen roaming amok in the streets of Benin Republic. The African woman who called herself God Vicentia Tadagbe. … Read more

Beneficiaries of Mediation

meditating and relaxing

What is the definition of beneficiary meditation? Let’s begin by understanding what meditation is. Meditation is defined as the act of focusing or having a mindset on a specific object or concept through the use of a specific technique. There are far too many beneficiaries of meditation to list here, so we’ll just highlight a … Read more

The Lost Book in the Bible

beautiful Lilith Adam's first wife

There are so many books removed from the bible, such books were regarded as lost, in the bible, this missing book carries the story of Lilith Adam’s first wife, the lost books in the Bible is hidden from mankind to date for certain reasons, come along with me lets go find the reason why those … Read more

Trinidad and Tobago and The Mysterious Places

History About Trinidad and Tobago and The Mysterious Places

Let’s take a look at the history of Trinidad and Tobago also will be exploring the rich culture and the mysterious places you can find in Trinidad and Tobago. I hope you find this article interesting. A brief history of Trinidad and Tobago. Without further ado, let’s begin by giving you a brief history of … Read more