
The Lost Prophet In The Bible

There are several books and event that was not recorded in the Bible, and those books are supposed to remain secret but with severe research, most secrets will be uncovered. In our previous post about the lost book in the Bible, we wrote about some omitted books from the Bible but today’s topic is going to focus on a certain prophet that was hidden from the people, his name is Enoch, The Lost Prophet In The Bible.

The Lost Prophet In The Bible

According to historians, the white race wrote the Bible, they try to obscure black people from important historical events, and they never admit that black people were the first creatures to be formed on earth.

There was a place in the Holy Qur’an that stated how man was made from a black mud clay porter, this statement might be right or wrong but I will need you to verify.

Several books were abandoned or removed from the Holy Bible that the writer or composer did not find pleasant to him, maybe those books were removed for the safety of mankind or it was removed for selfish interest.

The Book Of Enoch

There was a prophet named Enoch who wrote books that were not listed in the Holy Bible and this prophet happens to be a black man.

Andy McCracken provided the following comments on the chronicles of Enoch, Enoch left us a book that details people from a sophisticated civilization, The prevalent academic theory appears to be that the book was written not long after the first verifiable fragments by some mildly deranged zealot (200 or 300BC).

I don’t see how this viewpoint may be justified. Such a writer would have to be capable of writing the entire book from the perspective of someone who has no knowledge of nations or religions with names. He continues by painting the Angels as blond guys who left Heaven to engage in promiscuity with women.

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This kind of worldview, in my opinion, would not have been well welcomed or broadly embraced in 200 BC. The fact that it was “lost” by the religions that once held it in high regard, along with the all-too-true prophecies, is probably due to this.

The Book Of Enoch Lost And Forgotten In The Bible
The Book Of Enoch Lost And Forgotten In The Bible

What The White Man Believes Versus What Enoch Believed

The white race among us is the subject of these precise prophecies, which have come to pass, the book of Enoch 104: Verses 9–13 contains some of these prophecies: “Be not godless in your hearts, and lie not, and alter not the words of uprightness, nor charge with lying the words of the Holy Great One, nor take account of your idols, for all your lying and all your godlessness issue not in righteousness, but in great sin.” I now understand the mystery that sinners will twist and corrupt the words of righteousness in many ways, speak evil, deceive, do great fraud, and create books on their statements.

Theology-wise, the Book of Enoch is thought to be more Messianic than Jewish. The Book of Enoch is referenced frequently in the Epistle of Barnabas.
Men from the second and third centuries like Clement of Alexandria, Justin, Irenaeus, and Origen all reference the Book of Enoch.

The Ethiopian Church View On Prophet Enoch’s Lost Book

Even the Book of Enoch was included in the Ethiopian Church’s canonical canon.

The Council of Laodicea, an Asia Minor-based Christian council that met in Laodicea, Phrygia Pacatiana, between 363 and 364 AD to discuss the Church, led to the debunking of this and numerous other books.

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The lost prophet in the Bible brought a guideline on Maintaining discipline among bishops and clerics, requiring modest behavior of clerics and laypeople, governing how to deal with heretics, forbidding Sabbath observance, and encouraging Sunday relaxation were some of the canons that were decreed.

The Persian And The Roman Empire

The Persian Empire was the last to practice paganism before they were conquered by the Romans, the Romans brought so many doctrines about the Bible, that they omitted so many books from the Bible including outlawing the Sabbath day.

The Books of Enoch and Revelations, as well as the Gospel of Phillip and Gospel of Mary Magdalene, to name just a few, were not included in the list of canonical books in the 60th Canon.

The Enochic Book. same, the book of Revelations was despised for passages like Enoch Chapter 71: Verse 10.

The primary theme of the Bible is revealed in these verses: God is a black man. They loathed the African race and destroyed that continent. White humans are the result of the intermarriage of blond disobedient angels and black women.

They had a difficult time accepting this back then, and it still hurts. This explains why, as of this writing, the Book of Enoch is not included in their Bible. Because it does not refer to blond fallen angels, the Book of Revelations was granted a reprieve, White people still find the Book of Enoch repugnant.

Meanwhile, the black Africans are also uniting against it by refraining from preaching merely demonstrates their lack of understanding of their own spirituality and how they are still bound to the white man’s church.

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The Lost Prophet In The Bible

When Enoch lived, there was no Christianity, Judaism, or Islam; instead, people just followed the Way of God, which is far superior to all other religions because they were invented by humans. Enoch was a black African prophet; he was not a Christian, Jew, or Muslim.

Therefore, we must stop disobeying what God commanded in Matthew 15:14, “Let them be.” They are what they are: blind guides. So both blind men will fall into a pit if a blind man guides another blind man.

Because it was founded on the Council of Laodicea, an utterly pagan organization, white people’s religion is like a blind guide that is bringing us to bodily bewilderment and a pit of permanent spiritual death.

There was a resurgence of interest in the Book of Enoch, which had been lost to modern society for a very long time, during the period of the Protestant Reformation.


I urge you to look for the lost book of Enoch and read it has a lot of information that will open your eyes to the things of this World, you won’t regret learning new things that will build up your spiritual life and strengthen your relationship with God.

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